Tale ved Women’s March

Janelle Monáe

Analyseret af Malthe Pihl, Marie Vinther Clausen, Emma Ihlemann, Anne Arndt og Mathias Helmuth Bøgild, retorikstuderende ved Københavns Universitet, 2017

“Women will be hidden no more”

Hvorfor er denne tale interessant?

Talen er interessant, fordi den illustrerer, hvordan en taler kan skabe identifikation mellem sig selv og sit publikum. Monáes tale har en struktur, der er præget af umiddelbarhed, og hun griber momentet, hvilket i denne situation er vellykket.

Den retoriske situation

Sangerinden Janelle Monáe holdt den 21. januar 2017 en tale i Washington i anledning af demonstrationen, Women’s March. Demonstrationen var den største planlagte demonstration i USA’s historie, og den spændte sig over hele verden. Den skulle sætte fokus på diskrimination af minoriteter, herunder sorte, LGBTQ-personer og især kvinder. Demonstrationerne blev hovedsageligt stablet på benene som et udtryk for utilfredshed i forbindelse med Donald Trumps indsættelse som præsident dagen forinden, d. 20. januar 2017.

Monáe’s tale er en lejlighedstale, der havde til formål at samle minoriteter om nogle fælles værdier og styrke deres følelse af handlekraft.

Video af Janelle Monáes tale ved Women's March


Hello, future. I am so proud to stand here as a woman, an African-American woman. My grandmother was a sharecropper. She picked cotton in Aberdeen, Mississippi. My mother was a janitor. And I am a descendant of them, and I am here in their honor to help us move forward and fem the future. I just want to say— I want to remind you that it was woman that gave you Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. It was woman that gave you Malcolm X. And according to the Bible, it was a woman that gave you Jesus. Don’t you ever forget it. And we must remind them, those who are abusing their power . That is what I am here today to march against: the abuse of power. I want to say to the LGBTQ community, my fellow brothers and sisters ; to immigrants, my fellow brothers and sisters; to women: Continue to embrace the things that make you unique, even if it makes others uncomfortable. You are enough. And whenever you feel in doubt, whenever you want to give up, you must always remember to choose freedom over fear .

I come here again as an american and as a woman not as an artist . When I go home I have the same concerns. When I see bullies trying to bully you just know that I am upset about it and it does not go unnoticed. The things that are happening from Washington to even other Americans abusing their power and abusing others will be hidden no more. Women will be hidden no more. We will not remain Hidden Figures. We have names. We are complete human beings and they can not police us so get off our areolas. Get off our vaginas. Again we birthed this nation and we can unbirth a nation if we chose. We can stop completely if we chose.

This is about unity and I want to bring on stage some more American women and men St. Beauty, Jidenna and the Mothers of the Movement. As I talk about the abusive power it is not just about happening here in Washington it is also happening on the ground in the police force. We have amazing cops, we have amazing americans. But again we are here to fight the abusive power and to unite and to remind us all thatat the end of the day we all pee the same colour. And we must protect each other. We must protect one another.

So this is a song, this is a song. Music that we wrote not for ourselves but for you. Make some noise if you continue to be out there on the front lines.

This is a song that is a vessel and this is a tool for you to take out as you march. This song is called “Hell You Talmbout”. And we’re talking about this right now because we must continue to exercise our voices. Some of us protest in silence and some of us believe that silence is not an option and music, our sound, is a weapon. No wrong way to do it but this song is going to honour those who are victims. Victims due to the abusive power. This is a chant and for us to be one living, breathing organism I need your help. Can I get you to sing with us?

So it goes like this, it’s a call and response.

I’m going to use Sandra Bland. Sandra Bland. Our sister Sandra Bland. So when I say “Sandra Bland”, say her name.

Det siger retorikerne

Med denne tale viser Monaé, hvordan en tale skal leveres i momentet. Hun formår at skabe et fællesskab mellem sig selv og publikum, og hun beder dem om hjælp til at opnå det fælles mål; at kæmpe mod magtmisbrug. Hun gør god brug af stilistiske virkemidler, der bl.a. styrker hendes etos og skaber kampgejst hos publikum.

Talen virker umiddelbar og improviseret: I stedet for en fast struktur eller fx en bærende fortælling er talen præget af en serie af små kampråb, inspirerende citater og til tider klichéer eller floskler.

Kampråb og lignende er dog netop, hvad en situation som denne kalder på, og når man ser videoen, er det tydeligt, at Monáe får mange gode reaktioner fra publikum. Reaktionerne tyder på, at det improviserede udtryk i situationen kan opfattes som mere oprigtigt og nede på jorden.

Dog gør umiddelbarheden og den manglende struktur også, at det nok ikke er en tale, der vil blive husket i årtier som et retorisk mesterværk, der er evigt aktuelt og fanger læseren gang på gang.

Til gengæld har talen en klar funktion i situationen: Med denne tale lykkes det Monáe at skabe stemning, sammenhold og kampgejst til en vigtig demonstration på en kold januardag.